Monday, March 31, 2025
US Politics

Americans remain split on impeachment: CNBC Poll

Forty-five percent of Americans disapprove of Congress’s impeachment of President Donald Trump and 44% approve, say the results of a new CNBC All-America Economic Survey.

The poll was conducted December 10-13. Eight hundred Americans were surveyed nationwide.

According to an email sent to US and Global News by NBCUniversal, whose television arm – NBCUniversal Broadcast, Cable, Sports and News – owns CNBC, the nation is evenly divided on the question of impeachment, but one in five Americans are either open to changing their mind (10%) or are unsure (11%).

The email we received noted that little changed from September.

The poll, says CNBC, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

The survey also shows a huge partisan divide on the issue, with 78% Democrats supporting impeachment and 83% Republicans opposing it. When it comes to independents, 46% disapprove and 41% approve of Congress impeaching Trump.

The poll also surveyed Americans on Trump’s handling of the economy.

Forty-nine percent of Americans approve of how the president is handling the US economy. This is up from 42% in September and the highest level in a year.

“The positive change in both approval ratings suggests the initial announcement of impeachment had a sharply negative effect on Americans’ attitudes about the president, but numbers have now rebounded much closer to the average levels for the Trump presidency,” says the email we received from NBCUniversal.

Disapproval of the president’s handling of the economy dropped to 40% from 50%.

The email adds, “As a result, Trump’s net economic approval rating swung from minus 8% in September (the first negative of his presidency) to plus 9%, a massive 17-point move for the series.”

Although Trump’s overall numbers rebounded, they remain deeply negative, says the email.

According to the poll results, 49% of Americans disapprove of the job the president is doing and 40% approve.

“The minus 9% net approval number, however, is a strong improvement from minus 16% in the September survey,” reads the NBCUniversal email.

Image credit - Public domain image by the White House (Source)

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