Saturday, October 5, 2024
US Politics

GOP senators: 6 facts still haven’t changed

The official Twitter account of GOP Senators has tweeted a list of six facts that, according to them, still have not changed.

The first fact in the list insists that the transcript of US President Donald Trump’s phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shows the American president put no conditions on the Ukrainian aid.

President Trump also said in one of his recent interviews, “All you have to do is read the transcript.”

The second fact listed by GOP senators points out President Zelensky has said there was “no pressure.”

The third fact, according to Senate Republicans, is that Ukraine was not aware the aid had paused.

The fourth fact highlighted by GOP senators stresses that Democratic witnesses said President Trump did not want conditionality.

The fifth fact emphasizes that the aid was released, and Ukraine did not have to do anything for it.

The final fact tweeted by the Republicans noted Trump bolstered Ukraine aid.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on Wednesday “…we are still in the fight” because “…truth, above all, is on our side.”

He was talking at a press conference ahead of Senators’ questions in the Senate impeachment trial.

“I remain hopeful that four Republican Senators will join us in supporting witnesses and documents in this trial,” said Senator Schumer. “It’s an uphill fight, as I’ve always said, but the public is on our side and truth, above all, is on our side. And that’s why we’re still in the fight, that’s why we’re still in the ballpark.”

Schumer highlighted “three lines of of push-back that they’re using with tremendous pressure, that President Trump and [Senate Majority] Leader [Mitch] McConnell [(R-Ky.)] are using on Republican Senators, to try and get them to avoid the crucial Friday vote on witnesses and documents.”

According to FiveThirtyEight, the GOP could push for a final vote on the president’s removal on the same day if Republicans are successful in defeating motions for further documents and witnesses on Friday.

Tabish Faraz

Tabish Faraz is an experienced political news editor. He proofread, fact-checked and edited US politics news reports, among other news stories, for a San Francisco-based news outlet for about four years. He also reviewed/proofread and published an exclusive interview with a former White House cybersecurity legislation and policy director for a San Jose-based blockchain news outlet, with whom he worked as Publishing Editor for about five years. Tabish can be reached at and followed on Twitter @TabishFaraz1

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